
Tofu Factory



“我们村的村民,以前种大豆都是拉出去自己卖,零售,现在工坊建成后由工坊统一收购,方便了村民,价格也抬高了很多。”---村民 阙梅香


“工坊豆腐制作的环境条件比家里作坊好很多,做出的产品质量更高。” ---工坊工作人员 孙清根





Location: Caizhai Village, Dadongba Town, Songyang

Completion: 2018.12


Caizhai Village is a traditional mountain village built along both banks of a river over the past two hundred years. The village has always been known for its best tofu production in the

county region. But the products from the traditional family workshops could not fit into current food certificate standards to be able to sell in supermarket.

A new factory is programmed on a linear slope following the river by the village entrance, as a village collective economic entity and to upgrade the traditional tofu production. The building volume is spreading along the slope by six production functions: preparation room, grinding compartment, boiling compartment, deep-frying compartment, drying compartment, and tasting hall. All the production spaces are designed and equipped to upgrade traditional tofu products fitting with food certificate requirements. This will allow the tofu products to sell in city supermarkets and to increase the village economic revenue.

A covered walkway for visitors takes the steps up to observe the traditional tofu making process in sequence, and finally arrive at the tasting hall facing an open plaza to the south

and the historical village fabric across the river. Assembly timber structure system is applied to the building as a modern production factory and also creates a dialogue with the vernacular "tenon & mortis" wooden structure in old farm houses in the village. 

The factory is both production and exhibition space of traditional heritage for Caizhai village. A villager union has been set up to operate the factory to engage family workshops as

shareholders of this collective economic entity.

Project Infomation
项目名称: 豆腐工坊
项目地点: 浙江省丽水市松阳县大东坝镇蔡宅村
项目功能: 工坊
业主: 松阳县大东坝镇蔡宅村股份经济合作社
设计单位:北京DnA_ Design and Architecture建筑事务所
室内设计:北京DnA_ Design and Architecture建筑事务所
结构类型: 装配式木结构
建筑面积: 1211 ㎡
占地面积: 1211 ㎡
设计时间: 2017.08-2017.12
Project Name: Tofu Factory
Location: Caizhai Village, Dadongba Town, Songyang County, Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China
Program: Workshop
Client: Economic Cooperation Limited of Caizhai Village, Dadongba Town, Songyang County
Architecture Design: DnA_ Design and Architecture
Principle Architect: Xu Tiantian
Interior Design: DnA_Design and Architecture
Lighting Design: Zhang Xin Studio, Architecture Department of Tsinghua University
Structure System: Assembly Timber Structure
Gross Floor Area: 1211 ㎡
Building Foot Print: 1211 ㎡
Design Period: 2017.08-2017.12
Construction Period: 2018.01-2019.04
Photographer: Wang Ziling,Han Dan