Location: Shimen Village, Songyang
Completion: 2018.01
2016年松阴溪景区建设给这座大桥带来了新的可能性。我们结合松阴溪沿岸绿道的游览路线,提出保留石门大桥改造为步行廊桥和电瓶车观光游览停留点的策略, 提供了在松阴溪上观其纵深的新视点:这段风景还包括了旁边的千年古堰坝午羊堰,成为松阴溪景区的一个重要景观节点。新建的廊桥也成为两个村庄村口的共享公共空间,如同过去的风雨桥。
石门廊桥采用木装配结构,外形借用当地建筑形态,和桥头的石门驿站以及村庄的民居形成连贯性。廊桥沿着263米的大桥的展开,在桥拱处廊顶开放,呼应大桥的结构韵律,也形成线性路径上光影交错的节奏。桥中央放大的平台,保留70年代建桥时的石刻栏板, 木装配廊桥在这里断开,空间骤然放大,视野开阔,平台上的行列式绿树继续延续桥拱结构的韵律,也暗示到达松阴溪中的开放绿岛。
石门廊桥作为一种指引,将人群引入周边村落,不仅连接起松阴溪两岸村庄,也进一步把人流量带入到邻近的村落里。 一公里外,王村的王景纪念堂以及周边的村庄建设,和石门廊桥串点连线:廊桥所处的自然山水与王景纪念堂中的建筑历史叙事,建构起这个区域独特的 自然人文景观。
The two villages on both banks of Songyin River, Shimen village and Shimen-yu village, were once one village. The name of Shimen-yu means farm land of Shimen. In ancient time, villagers of Shimen had to cross Songyin River to farm land and eventually they built houses on the other side and separated into a new Shimen-yu village.
With Wuyang Dam between two villages as the most ancient water dam in Songyang, this area became an important section for development of Songyin River Scenic District. An abandoned 260 meters long Shimen bridge right next to the Dam was again under discussion whether to be demolished: it was replaced by a new bridge in 2010 due to rapid increase of vehicle transportation and has been closed since then.
We proposed to convert the old Shimen bridge into a viewing platform for Songyi River and Wuyang Dam. A covered wooden structure with a pitched roof representing local buildings is introduced with openings to echo the structure rhythm of the existing bridge arch. This could serve as resting lounge for visitors as well as pedestrian connection for two villages. The wooden structure stops at the center to respond to the enlarged bridge platform with tree rows as a floating island on the river.
The new lounge bridge will also become a common public space uniting two villages once again. It could also be used in many different ways such as a weekend bridge market or for a holiday parade. Together with Wangjing Memorial and Wang village, this area will become an important culture and tourism node along Songyin River.