Location: HengKeng Village, Songyang
Completion: 2015.09
松阳县的很多古村落都生长着漫山遍野的毛竹林,远看甚是壮观,但是竹林里却无可停留空间 ,所以我们想结合毛竹的天然属性,在竹林深处的较平坦的场地上,把四周的毛竹有秩序的下拉,围合出类似穹顶的状态,这里便形成了一个可停留的场地, 利用生长的竹子来围合开放休憩空间。
竹子都有一定的生长周期,老竹子死去,新竹子长出,这样每年都可以进行更替,把老竹子砍去,把新生的竹子重新编织进来。所以竹林剧场的形态每年会有一些变化, 竹叶的生长,竹子的生死置换,让这个竹林剧场成为一个 有生命的新陈代谢体。
Almost every village in SongYang has a surrounding bamboo forest, which not only provides a scenic view but also allows possible leisure places inside the forest. The type of bamboo grows in the mountain is called Mao Zhu. Mao Zhu is tough under tension, and has roots that spread out horizontally while connecting to others like the foundation of a building. Therefore, this type of bamboo can still grow when bended. Through instructions, villagers can bend the bamboo in a pattern, and weave them to form a vault, which creates a space of leisure for the villagers to stay in while continuing to grow sustainably. Each year, old bamboo can be removed, and new bamboo can easily join the existing structure, making it a metabolic architecture. This light landscape structure provides a casual leisure space as well as a stage in the nature for local traditional opera performances.